
Welcome to Execute Big v2.1.

Execute Big v2 is our new design “flavor”. It encompasses everything that Execute Big wants to be: bold, minimal, and clear. We want to spend most of our time on improving our programs and creating impact, so our branding is also built with simplicity in mind.

Since the release of Execute Big v2, we’ve also updated our overall color scheme to reflect the vibrancy of our programs. Execute Big v2.1 now features a much brighter color scheme.

Download Branding Kit


We have a simple set of colors: Neon Blue (#4772FF) for official settings, Ultra Red (#FF6978) highlights, and Space Cadet (#22223B) for high-contrast reading. A small subgrouping of colors may also be used here and there.

Neon Blue
Ultra Red
Space Cadet


We rounded our heading typography to make us look more casual. Whenever possible, all headings and typeset logo should be in Nunito Black (900). Larger blocks of text should be presented with Inter, with weights no lighter than Regular (400).

Both font families are available on Google Fonts.


Our logos are really nothing special… Just type out “Execute Big” with Nunito Black. Formally, both first letters should be capitalized, and there should always be a space in between. It is not recommended that these typeset logos are used in parallel with our mascot pig icon.


Our icons are heavily inspired by Hack Club Icons by the incredible @lachlanjc. Steak, our mascot pig is designed by our friend Matthew Kwong. Other icons are adapted from iconmonstr to fit our needs. We also rounded quite a few of them to match our branding.